January Students of the Month
January 24, 2025
Congratulations to our January Students of the Month, who were selected because of how they exemplify living out our Marianist Charism.
Previous Students of the Month:

Lainy Gentry, Senior
Exemplifies: Service, Justice, and Peace
As a Kairos leader, Alaina exemplified leading by example and service to her peers. She took it upon herself to deny being the social "favorite," and instead, she held other students accountable to expectations and boldly helped others to participate appropriately in the activities at hand. She certainly embodied Justice and Peace in the way she served as a Kairos leader.

Matthew Lindeman, Junior
Exemplifies: Integral, Quality Education
Matthew goes above and beyond the classroom requirements. He asks the questions in class that everyone else is wondering, which gives all his classmates clarity on the assignments. His witty jokes keep the tone of the classroom light. This year, Matthew has stretched himself by joining two clubs - He has been a solid rock on the Mock Trial team and he also joined the podcast club.
Ella Courtney, Sophomore
Exemplifies: Integral, Quality Education
Ella continuously exemplifies the Marianist characteristic of an Integral Quality Education by seeking opportunities to grow and learn as a whole person. On the soccer team, through creative and artistic work, with her peers, and in the classroom she works to do well and get better each day.
Yoana Perez, Freshman
Exemplifies: Integral, Quality Education
Yoana is a leader in the classroom, helping out her peers whenever she gets the chance and staying after school to finish her work. She is always on task and asks quality questions. Her desire to learn benefits the entire classroom.
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