Mission + Core Values


As a Catholic community, we cultivate the best in each for the benefit of all.

Core Values

  • Rooted in the traditions of the Marianists, we foster faith, hard work, and service to others.
  • We believe love inspires learning.
  • We believe every student is different and these differences strengthen our community.
  • We challenge our students to be open-minded risk-takers, and engaged global citizens, who eagerly pursue knowledge and new experiences.

Characteristics of a Cavalier

We question until we find answers.

We connect. We care what happens at home and throughout the world.

We seek the truth.

We tell our story and listen to what others have to say.

We care deeply about others.

We seek justice and have the courage to take action.

We appreciate our roots, while appreciating the values and traditions of people from different backgrounds and cultures.

We step out of our comfort zones and take risks to explore new concepts.

We think, reflect, and evaluate.

We understand that we are called to serve and make a difference in this world.