Exciting New Direction for Community Service at PM

June 17, 2019

Service is an integral part Marianist education and forming the whole person. Beginning for the 2019-2020 school year, we are changing how we engage in service. Students will not have a specific number of hours to complete before graduation, which will allow us to focus on intrinsic motivation; the desire to do the right thing for internal rewards, rather than to gain praise or recognition.

Purcell Marian is becoming an International Baccalaureate (IB) school. The IB program asks students to engage in meaningful service over a long period of time, rather than completing and turning in service hours. Moving forward, we will align our values with this IB model of community services, encouraging our students to do this more meaningful, long-term approach to service.

Service opportunities will still be posted and emailed to students from the Campus Minister. Students who complete more than 50 hours of community service over their four years, will receive a light blue cord at graduation to recognize their efforts and pay homage to Mother Mary.

Additionally, a student will be selected each year by faculty and staff and awarded The Marie Therese Service Award. This award is not contingent upon the most hours accumulated, but on the service that was performed, and the spirit and attitude of the person performing the service.

All service hours must still be approved, turned in, and monitored in the Campus Ministry Office. Hours will continue to be recorded on transcripts, and hours accumulated to date, will count toward their blue graduation cord. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to Campus Minister Allie Brizzi at abrizzi@purcellmarian.org.


Announcements, School News